Curran's theory on Peterson visit: A little quid-pro-quo


Tom E. Curran has a theory -- and, he stresses, it's only a theory -- as to why the Patriots brought Adrian Peterson in for a visit.


"I think there's some quid-pro-quo going on," he told fellow co-hosts Michael Holley, Kayce Smith and Tom Giles on Monday's Boston Sports Tonight. "I'm not reporting that, but that's my sense, knowing how the landscape works."

The Patriots have come out strongly in the past against domestic violence and talking to Peterson would seem to reek of hypocrisy. But let Curran explain:

"In the NFL, sometimes the coaches and organizations will do favors within the business. And Ben Dogra is the agent for Adrian Peterson, a former CAA agent along with Tom Condon, two of the most powerful guys there were in the business. And sometimes a team will do a solid for an agent.

"If a [player] is collecting dust on the shelf [as a free agent], they'll say, 'Can you bring our guy in and just create a buzz around him?' No team creates a buzz around a player more than the Patriots.

"Why would the Patriots do that? Because down the line, when Ben Dogra has a player [who interests the Patriots], or a [Dogra client] is dissatisfied or is trying to somehow grease the skids for a trade or something . . . Look, we look at the Malcolm Butler situation. They're having agent problems there.

"It's good to have good relationships with agents."


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