Harrison: Brady is ‘going to make everybody pay'


One would be hard-pressed to look at Deflategate and say that it's a situation that has in any way been good for Patriots quarterback Tom Brady. But Brady's former teammate Rodney Harrison thinks it will be better than good in terms of how it will help Brady elevate his game in 2015.

Harrison was interviewed by TheMMQB.com for its series on the most influential people in the NFL this season. Brady was named No. 1 on Friday.

"You’ve got way over $100 million in the bank," Harrison said. "You’ve got a beautiful wife. You’ve got a beautiful family. The natural tendency would be to say, ‘I can lie in my silk sheets and just enjoy life now. I don’t need football.’ But I’m telling you: This is the best thing that could have happened to Tom Brady. This will rejuvenate him. The rest of the league better look out. This year, he’s going to make everybody pay for what’s happened."

Brady has been quiet, at least publicly, for the last few months. As the NFL issued its punishment and as Brady and the NFLPA subsequently filed their appeal, we haven't heard him say anything on the subject of deflated footballs. 

People around him have piped up. People like his agent, Don Yee, and most recently his teammate Julian Edelman. Harrison's comments are some of the most strongly-worded we've heard so far.

"Believe me, he’s not saying anything right now, but this is pissing him off, big-time," Harrison said. "He will be supremely motivated this year. I know him. I know how he thinks. And this is going to be very bad for the rest of the league when they play Brady this year."

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