Arbella Early Edition

Would 2024 C's beat '08 team in a series? Eddie House, Phil Perry debate

House played for the 2008 NBA champs.

NBC Universal, Inc.

If the 2023-24 Boston Celtics bring home Banner 18, they will join the 2007-08 championship squad as one of the most talented groups in franchise history. But which team would have the edge in a seven-game series?

That was the subject of great debate on Early Edition between our Phil Perry and a member of that '08 Celtics team, Eddie House. Perry explained to House why he would pick the current C's to take down the squad that brought Banner 17 to TD Garden 16 years ago.

"Let me preface this by saying, I love that '08 team. One of my favorite teams locally of all time," Perry began. "But I'm going with the 2024 Celtics in this matchup if they had to play a series. I like the Xs and Os favoring the current-day Celtics for a couple of reasons. Too much shooting and then on the defensive side, too many versatile defenders to throw at the (2008) Celtics' best scorers.

"I also think this iteration of the Celtics has slightly more depth in terms of high-end All-Star-caliber talent than the '08 team did. We obviously know about the big three. You can even throw Rajon Rondo in there, he became an All-Star later in his career. I think the Celtics right now have five guys who are All-Stars or borderline All-Star-caliber players. So that's why I'm going with this year's team versus '08."

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House hesitated to have the debate, stating that the 2024 Celtics have to finish the job before the discussion can be had. He did, however, run through the '08 Celtics roster to remind Perry just how much of a problem they could be.

"Who's dealing with KG (Kevin Garnett)? Nobody," House said. "Who's dealing with Paul (Pierce)? We've got the best closer. Nobody. Ray (Allen) is also a closer. Nobody. Rondo spearheading the ship. We've got Leon (Powe) coming in, we've got Perk (Kendrick Perkins), we've got James Posey who everybody forgets about, we've got myself (who) could make some things happen. I mean, remember the Game 7 against Chicago? I don't think I missed a shot. I think I had 16 points, didn't miss nothing.

"We show up in big-time moments. So I don't wanna disrespect or discredit what this team is doing, but they gotta win a championship and we could talk about it all day and it'd be a great argument to have, to say this champion team against this champion team. I want to hear it, but they've got to get it first. ... I can't argue when you don't have the hardware."

Perry fired back by pointing out that Perkins would be virtually "unplayable" in the series due to this year's team's 3-point shooting ability.

"Do you think that we're just gonna let them shoot 3s?" House responded. "Do you think that we didn't guard our yard to where we were getting broken down off the dribble to where somebody's helping and they're kicking it to --- we weren't in rotation. There was no rotation that had to be happening.

"First off, let's go back. Who'd we run through? LeBron James, I don't think there's a LeBron James on this team and no disrespect to who we've got right now. This team that, the 2024 (Celtics), they weren't the Detroit Pistons who won a championship, went to five straight conference championships. We ran through them in six (games). And then the Lakers, I don't think that we've got a Kobe Bryant on our squad."

House is correct in stating the Celtics must win the Larry O'Brien Trophy before being mentioned in the same category as the '08 team. They'll look to earn the first of four Finals wins when their series begins Thursday at TD Garden.

Watch the full debate below, or on YouTube:

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