Wednesday’s ceremonial first pitch at Fenway Park was touching, somewhat painful and humorous all at once.
Cancer survivor Jordan Leandre delivered the pitch to Mike Andrews, a member of the 1967 Impossible Dream Red Sox team that was being honored for its 50th anniversary. Leandre, a huge Red Sox fan, famously ran the bases after delivering a first pitch in 2007. Ten years later, he returned on another Jimmy Fund telethon-fundraiser day.
The pitch on Wednesday, however, missed up and away, and sailed into the crotch of a photographer standing near the backstop, Tony Capobianco.
MORE - Leandre jokes about wild pitch at Fenway: "Was trying to back him off the plate"
The ball appears to strike Capobianco directly between the legs. But Capobianco said he was hit in the groin, avoiding a more painful outcome.
Capobianco did capture the moment in progress.
Leandre took to Twitter shortly after to joke about the pitch
Members of the 1967 team, including Carl Yastrzemski, were watching on the infield as the pitch was delivered.