Tanguay: Berman trying to bully NFL into settling the case

Brady fans, celebrate while you can. It was obvious to me that Judge Berman was doing everything in his power to bully the NFL into settling.

As I've said in the past, the NFL has done an awful job making its case against Tom Brady. But that doesn't mean victory for TB12.

I'm sure Berman wants to rule in favor of Brady because the punishment (a four-game suspension) doesn't fit the crime. But because of that one-sided CBA --which the NFLPA agreed to -- he can’t. So the judge is trying to convince Roger Goodell and company that they don’t have a shot.

But the reality is, in spite of their buffoonery, they very much do have a shot.

I think, at the end of the day, Ron Borges of the Herald will be right. A week or so ago, Ron crowed in the CSN newsroom that the judge will be forced to rule against Brady but then he will verbally crucify the NFL for its ineptness.

Like most of us, even me, Berman realizes that a four-game suspension is ridiculous. But a piece of paper between the two sides -- that darn CBA -- will leave him handcuffed.

So Berman is hoping he can force the NFL into settling. That way, he won't have to rule in the league's favor.

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