Goucher: “This tells me the owners are done negotiating”

The NHL owners and NHLPA continue to go back and forth with no end to the lockout in sight. Felger and Mazz break down the latest and explain where the lockout stands as we enter the weekend.

Most recently, it appeared the two sides were close on the major issues. The owners sent a proposal on three sets 'smaller' issues. These additional sets of issues included five-year max contracts (seven if you re-sign your own player), a 10-year CBA with an opt-out after eight years, and an even smaller category of minor compliance issues. The players countered with an offer of longer max-contracts and an eight-year CBA with an opt-out after six.

Felger explains what happened next: "When the owners didn't get the flat 'yes' they were looking for, on those three items, they walked away, left town, and now we're back to square one."

After numerous speed bumps, counter offers and accusations, Felger says he's still on the players side because they stayed at the negotiating table while the owners left town.

Dave Goucher says all of this shows that the owners are done negotiating. Goucher believes the owners were looking for a 'yes' or 'no' and that was all they were willing to offer. "The negotiating part is over."

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