Surprised the Red Sox did not make more moves?


It was mostly a surprise that the Red Sox were quiet at this year's trade deadline. 

No young pitchers acquired. No selling off veterans like Mike Napoli. Save for trading Shane Victorino earlier in the week and acquiring reliever Ryan Cook on Friday, the Red Sox stood pat. So why weren't there more deals? 

"The bottom line is they don’t have a lot of players people were climbing over each other to get like John Lackey and Jon Lester, Andrew Miller going to the Orioles last year," Steve Buckley said. "Those were major moves made by desperate teams that had missing pieces. This team doesn’t have those pieces. Nobody is going to take on [Pablo] Sandoval and [Hanley] Ramirez. They can make moves later on because a lot of these guys will go through waivers." 

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