Murray on Cherington's comments: ‘Shockingly tone deaf'


Ben Cherington gave another stay-the-course press conference on Wednesday night in Houston, and reiterated those comments again Thursday morning, while the team he put together continues to circle the drain.

On 98.5 The Sports Hub's "Felger & Mazz" show, Jim Murray, filling in with Tony Massarotti, Jim Murray took exception to the Red Sox' GM's comments:

"I thought they were shockingly tone deaf," Murray said. "He's still applauding how Hanley Ramirez is playing in left field. He's still applauding the job that has been done here by the manager...Now more than ever, between him and the manager, these guys are going nowhere, because their turd polishers and that's what management wants."

Watch the video above for the complete discussion.

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