Can Sox get back in the race? Buckey says yes . . .


The Red Sox season has been filled with ups and downs, although it feels like it's been mostly down. 

However, in the mediocre AL East, the Red Sox are in the picture. After winning 10 of their last 16, the Sox are only six games out. At this juncture, Steve Buckley thinks the Red Sox can get back in it. 

"Well I'll get to the short answer first, I’m buying," Buckley said. "Coming into this season, I saw a very flawed American League East. I envisioned a scenario like the 1973 Mets who won 82 games, won the National League East and came within one game of winning the World Series. I saw this year an entirely flawed division. The only deviation from that belief is the Red Sox haven’t played with that. I do think they can get back into this because I don’t like the red sox….I see flaws in this team, but I see more damning flaws in the division."

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