Seguin earns break after dominating Swiss league


Tyler Seguin is back in Boston this week after returning from Switzerland during a two-week break in the ECH Biel regular season. He's earned the time off.

Seguin has an amazing 13 goals and 23 points in 15 games for Biel since arriving for Swiss-A League duty, and he's formed a dangerous, speedy duo with Patrick Kane out on the ice.

The European game in the Swiss League is tailor made for Seguin with undersized players and a rapid style of play that rewards playing with offensive skill and blazing speed. The physicality is the thing most unlike the North American game in the European Leagues that are housing more than 150 NHL players during the lockout.

The game is really fast (in Switzerland) and the players are really good. The league in general is better than you think, said Seguin when asked about the Swiss League.

The B's forward is expected to head back to Switzerland next week if there's no agreement in place between the NHL and NHLPA.

One other thing thats a little different: The tacky promotions that youd normally find at the East Coast Hockey League level in the U.S. Seguin missed all those minor league publicity stunts when he jumped right from being the No. 2 overall pick to the NHL as an 18-year-old, but hes getting his fill in Switzerland.

Last week both Seguin and Kane were Photoshopped to be shown in gear that could only be described as some kind of He-ManGame of Thrones armor mixture. Both were wielding axes with menacing clouds in the backdrop.

It was explained to by Biel team officials that Biels town symbol is a pair of crossed axes which explains the imagery. According to wikipedia in popular etymology, the name has been connected with the German name for axe (Bernese German bieli), reflected in the two crossed axes in the city's coat of arms. But its not going to stop pictures from being distributed around the Bruins dressing room once the NHL regular season begins.

Apparently what happens in Switzerland doesnt stay in Switzerland.

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