Morning Skate: Friday, November 23, 2012


Don Cherry pens a column for the Toronto Star and tells the players to smarten up and stop badmouthing the NHL side during CBA negotiations. Id have to say I agree with Grapes on this one.

Kevin Allen from USA Today goes through some key questions and answers at this point in the NHL lockout process.

Good piece by Michael Grange on the decertification process, and how breaking up the NHLPA group could effect the lockout in a positive way.

Interesting radio interview with Elliotte Friedman in Calgary where he hears there were a good number of NHL owners that liked much of what they heard in the last NHLPA proposal.

Rangers center Brad Richards taking a lead role in providing relief for the Hurricane Sandy victims in New York City.

Ryan Miller has reached the end of his rope when it comes to the NHL lockout, and that means endorsing the idea of decertifying the NHLPA as a way to create leverage for the players.

Habs owner Geoff Molson runs into a few Canadiens players during an event in Montreal, but mostly keeps mum about his NHL lockout opinions.

For something completely different: I defy you to not be entertained by the All-Star Bowling Trick Shots at Funny or Die.

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