I have no clue who Twitter user Kyle Gordon is. All I know is that he burned Isaiah Thomas' jersey and that everyone is treating it like he shot the Pope.
Here's what I think, and I'm pretty sure of it: The kid was joking, and a lot of people are taking it way, way too seriously.
Maybe a lot of people who have weighed in on the jersey burning didn't actually see his post. In case you didn't: This wasn't a "Thanks for NOTHING" caption, or a "Traitor!!!" caption, as this young man probably understood like the rest of us that Thomas was traded.
Here's what it was: a response to an Adrian Wojnarowski tweet with a meme-friendly caption that could (and probably) should be viewed as tongue-in-cheek.
The Score in Canada wrote a post about this, complete with a "Come on, guys." Players including Jaylen Brown, who called it "pathetic," have also admonished it. On Thursday, it was LeBron James' turn:
With all the junk that you can find on Twitter -- and you can find a whole lot of it -- we make one kid's wiseass a tweet a national story. The tweet read like a joke, mocking the tradition of burning jerseys when a player leaves his team in the dust. We all know that's not what Thomas did, and this kid probably knew it as well. So why are we talking about it?