Latest Deflategate conspiracy? Check NFL social media


Like conspiracy theories? Well, Deflategate is full of them and a few more have been advanced on Thursday here and here.

It seems the NFL's social media guru is Duane Munn, as's Michael Hurley notes:

"...You can find that the NFL’s social media manager is a fella named Duane Munn.

“Munn is the sole manager of all accounts, which includes a healthy following of about 12 million people,” Mashable reported back in April 2013. “While many major brands have a team of social media experts working to get out news and interact with fans, Munn is a one-man show.”

Perhaps in the two years that have passed since that profile was written, Munn has delegated some of his duties. But he still runs the account, as far as his LinkedIn and Twitter accounts are concerned.

Munn is a Jets fan. So, his Facebook page leads you to believe.

A couple examples of the NFL's recent social media efforts: This tweet about Andrew Luck's "Precision. Strength. Intelligence."

P-S-I. Get it?

And, as WEEI's Thornton points out, this Troy Vincent tweet features a certain Jets QB and football being "an honest game."


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