Indecipherable anti-Patriots banner flies over Gillette


Ah, those zany Jets fans are at it again.

Remember when one of them proudly hired a plane to fly a "cheaters" banner over the first day of Patriots training camp last summer. Well, one of them -- or maybe the same one; who knows? -- is at it again.

As early arrivals streamed into Gillette, a plane flew overhead with a trailing banner that read . . .


And that means . . . ?

The assumption is the author -- whom we assume is a Jets fan (since the Jets are in town) and, judging by the Clinton reference, a Republican -- is referring to three individuals or teams that got away with something. Except the Patriots were fined $1 million and lost two draft picks for whatever it was they allegedly did (regardless of the fact that nothing was proven). What did the Clintons "get away" with? And O.J. Simpson? Really? Comparing a double murder to the alleged deflation of footballs?

The whole episode was perhaps best summed up by this Twitter post from the Providence Journal's Mark Daniels:


If people are in the business of throwing money away they could toss some this way or to a charity or make a banner that's actually clever.


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