Herren delivers message to NFL Rookie Symposium


Former NBA guard Chris Herren refers to himself as a former professional drug addict, and part time professional basketball player. So you might be asking yourself, what is an ex-basketball player doing giving drug advice to NFL rookies?

Simple. Drugs cross all lines, especially in professional sports. In fact, there are potentially more drug addicts and alcoholics that come out of professional sports then all-stars. Herren took his opportunity speaking at the Rookie Symposium to get down to the core of things.

Herren knows first hand that one decision, one day, can turn into a lifetime of pain. He knows that these rookies feel invincible, because at one time he did too. He remembers his own Rookie Symposium, and thinking that it wouldnt affect him.

Listen to the whole conversation and get Herrens unique take on the dangers of drugs in professional sports.

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