Eye-popping Pats stat against top-10 defenses


By Tom E. Curran

You think this is a busy week for me?You're right. But it's not so busy I can't get in an extended e-mail argument with a guy about whether or not the Patriots beat the Jets by six touchdowns (his contention) or seven (mine) back in Week 13.I said on the television - I believe it was the Mike Felger Variety Hour on Sunday night - that the Patriots beat the Jets by seven. This sent your boy Dennis racing to his keyboard.
From: Dennis
To: Curran, Tom
Subject: 7 Touchdowns?The Patriots beat the Jets 45 to 3. That is a 42-point win. Forty-two points is 6 touchdowns and 6 points after. Seven touchdowns would be 49 points. The Jets are big mouth morons and losers, but you need to improve you math skills. Dennis

From: Curran, Tom
To: Dennis
Subject: 7 Touchdowns? Dennis,

What's 7x6? 42, right? How many points for a touchdown? 6, right? What's your point?

From: Dennis
To: Curran, Tom
Subject: 7 Touchdowns?
My point is that they also kicked 6 points after touchdown. That would make if 6 touchdowns for 36 points and 6 PATs for 42 points. That is 6 X 6 = 36, then 366 PATs = 42.

From: Curran, Tom
To: Dennis
Subject: 7 Touchdowns?
How many points for a touchdown, 6 or 7? I swear it's 6. The point-after thing you're talking about? It's a different play.Or we could assume 2-point conversions and call it 48 . . .

I will keep you updated on how this progresses.Meanwhile, check out this stat unearthedby the Patriots media relations department (they do yeoman's work).The Patriots have played an opponent with a top 10 scoring defense (fewest points allowed per game) seven times in 2010 and are 6-1 in those games. The Patriots are averaging 30.1 points per game when playing a defense ranked among the top 10 stingiest in terms of allowing points. While the Patriots are averaging 30.1 points per game against those teams, the rest of the NFL is averaging 16.4 points per game. Steelers (1) 14.5 PPG. Patriots scored 39. Avg allowed in other games: 12.9 Packers (2) 15 PPG. Patriots scored 31. Avg allowed in other games: 13.9 Baltimore (3) 16.9 PPG. Patriots scored 23. Avg allowed in other games: 16.5 Chicago (4) 17.9 PPG. Patriots scored 36. Avg allowed in other games: 16.7 N.Y. Jets (6) 19 PPG. Patriots scored 14 (Game 1). Average allowed in other games: 17.5

N.Y. Jets (6) 19 PPG. Patriots scored 45 (Game 2). Avg allowed in other games: 17.5Chargers(10) 20.1 PPG. Patriots scored 23. Average allowed in other games: 19.9 Now, back to check my inbox to debate Dennis some more.

Tom E. Curran can be reached at tcurran@comcastsportsnet.com. Follow Tom on Twitter at http:twitter.comtomecurran

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