You better know who AI is!


By Jon Fucile

Do you remember Allen Iverson? Yeah, neither do we. We vaguely remember some ex-basketball star who thought he was still the best player in the NBA when he had clearly declined and refused to come off the bench. He's a star dammit and he should be treated like one!

Apparently he even thinks cops should still treat him like a superstar. Atheletes generally get special treatment anyway but Iverson apparently thinks basic laws shouldn't apply to him. Unfortunately for him, he ran into the one cop who thought atheletes should have to adhere to the same laws as us mortal folks.

Iverson and a buddy were driving his Lamborghini when they were pulled over for changing lanes without signaling. Things got worse when the officer informed Iverson his car was being towed because the tags had expired in 2009.

Now you would think Iverson would've said "I am so sorry officer, it slipped my mind! I will take care of it good sir!"

Nope. Iverson launched a profantiy-laced tirade, insulting the officer and breaking out the classic "Do you know who I am?!"

Classic Iverson. Wonder if he practiced that line. Now if you're the cop you have a few options. Do you stroke Iverson's ego? Do you get combative in return? Do you degrade him a bit just for fun?

They both do have a habit of being completely ridiculous. Next!

After the car was towed Iverson apparently told the officer to take the vehicle because he had 10 more

and "I make more money than you will in 10 years!"

Yeah... guess all that money playing in Turkey or China or whatever D-league Iverson has been playing in is paying him handsomely.

We know who you are Allen. Youre an idiot. And a nobody, now.

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