
By Justin Aucoin

Its always amazed me that the National Spelling Bee would be televisedon major sports networks.

Its also amazed me that people would be absolutely glued to their TV sets when its on.

Never really thought memorizing a million page book a sport but to each their own. I decided to do some investigating to see these mind athletes training regiment is like.

Training to become one of these spelling sultans starts off at an extremely young age, sometimes even before the child is born.

After reaching the ripe age of 18 weeks, parents trainers step up the training process.

Once the young speller is old enough to not poop his or her pants, theyre given their first dictionary.

This extreme training also includes locking the child in a padded room with nothing but their dictionary.

And, of course, a well balanced meal.

For entertainment, the trainees are allowed to only watch previous years video of the National Spelling Bee. And select board games.

At 10 years old these young mind competitors are sent off in an ancient ritual. Those who fail to return are forgotten like a spring breeze. Those who return have proven themselves worthy to enter the ultimate tournament.

Experts agree that champion spellers require two things1) Overbearing parents who didnt succeed at squat in their own life and 2) No friends.

In the end, however, despite all the years of dedication, training and loss of a normal childhooda winner arises above the rest.

Im glad I stuck to baseball and football instead though that is a pretty sweet trophy.

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