Ochocinco: If I was president, I'd ban all taxes


If Chad Ochocinco ever goes into politics, he'd take fiscal conservatism to a whole new level:

No more taxes, whatever you earn you can keep. I'll figure out the rest later RT @tscheine: What would you do if you were President? Chad Ochocinco (@ochocinco) March 9, 2012

And the answer to all those "Where's revenue going to come from?" naysayers is simple:

Print money just for those services only RT @MatthewMilligan: @ochocinco How would you pay for public services without taxpayers money? Chad Ochocinco (@ochocinco) March 9, 2012
Oh, wait:

I said I'd figure the rest out later geesh, let me think 1st RT @cindypark26: @ochocinco When you print money...that causes inflation... Chad Ochocinco (@ochocinco) March 9, 2012

Get back to us when you figure it out, Ocho. Sounds intriguing.

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