Morning-walkthrough: March 29, 2012


Super Bowl L is just around the corner and the Cowboys plan on making a bid. The fact the 2010 event in North Texas was accompanied by all the charm, hospitality and shrewd planning of a yard sale apparently leaves Dallas undaunted.

One more time . . . the rule change to the 12-men-on-the-field penalty enacted on Wednesday would not have changed anything in the Super Bowl. If a player is trying to leave the field - as Justin Tuck was for the Giants during the Patriots final drive - the play is allowed to go on and will not be whistled dead.

Donovan McNabb is going after Mike Shanahan by pointing out the won-loss shortcomings of quarterbacks under Shanny. McNabb says RG3 won't fit either. McNabb was 5-8 under Shanahan in Washington and threw 14 touchdowns and 15 picks.

With the Super Bowl heading to New Orleans, Roger Goodell's in a sticky situation with that city given he's performed a vivisection on the team.

The old Raperoo went round-and-round with Jim Harbaugh about Randy Moss.

Pete Carroll, Mark Sanchez' coach at USC, says Sanchez is in a tough spot with Tim Tebow in town.

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