A Dougie primer


By Adam Hart

John Wall is not expected to play against the Celtics Wednesday night. But he can still Dougie with a sore foot, right? Oh yes, his is one of the greatest Dougies ever produced by a pro athlete.

Unsure what a Dougie is? You must be Mike Giardi:

@MikeGiardi: @adamhart I dont know this Dougie you speak of

It's only the greatest song-prompted dance since the Electric Slide. But I'm not judging if you need a Dougie primer. Presenting an informative Wall Street Journal video funny for all the reasons it wasnt intended to be:

Things that make me crack up, in order of appearance:

The classy piano open for a video report on the Dougie.

It being tailored toward people still unfamiliar with the "hip hop" movement. Yes, those people use air quotes when bringing it up in conversation.

"Basically, it consists of a lot of shimmying and then gliding your hand over your head."

Use of the word 'flare'.

"He did (pause) the dirty bird."

"Illegal use of the Dougie."

So study up, hit your local dance studio and get all limber. Because John Wall may not be cleared to bring the Dougie to Boston Wednesday night, but he'll be back in April.

P.S. If you can't handle the Dougie, you can always take on the John Wall Dance, which is a spinoff of the classic move used to ask, "Which way to the beach?"

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