New York moves through stages of grief over Yankee loss


Here's what they woke up to this morning in New York:

And their response was, well, predictable:

Hard to say which stage of grief that represents, but some (many?) of them were in Stage Two -- anger -- last night:

Some have gotten to Stage Three -- bargaining:

When they get to Stage Five -- acceptance -- maybe they'll be ready to put some of today's takes in the dustbin with others from the past week or so:

In any case, they should be used to disappointing on October 10 because they've been there before:

But one thing's for sure: The curse stuff is dead. After failing with the same move before Game 7 of the 2004 ALCS, the Yankees went back to this Red Sox "ghost" to throw out the first pitch last night . . .

. . . and it worked as well as it did 14 years ago.

Because the days of Yankee dominance of the Red Sox are over. Check out the numbers for the last 51 years:







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