Jones addresses ‘unfortunate' night at Fenway Park and support he received


Adam Jones was succinct when asked his message to those who threw racial epithets at him.

“Square up,” Jones quipped. “Let’s fight and get it over with.”

The Orioles center fielder spoke at length on Tuesday about the racist treatment he received at Fenway Park, an episode that brought an outpouring of support from not only the Red Sox, but the rest of baseball.

“It’s a good question,” Jones said when asked about the frequency he’s heard the n-word. “I don’t know how my fingers and toes I have to keep count, but you hear it. It’s just unfortunate that someone would resort to try and bring you down like that and dumb you down to call you such a name that is just nasty. My biggest thing is I just let people be who they are. The reality is most won’t call it to you face. It’s easy to say it through social media or in the stands. It’s just unfortunate.

“I think it was tremendous how the Red Sox, how MLB they got ahead of it as soon as possible… My phone has been blowing up all morning and I am sure you guys have all got the same thing from friends, family, loved one. It’s just unfortunate.”

Asked his message, Jones — like everyone else — made clear this wasn’t about painting one area with a broad brush.

“I am not going to go say all Boston fans [are like that],” Jones said. “My career playing against the Red Sox have been amazing. They support their players. I know the four franchises in this area have been very good, especially in my life. They expect winning in this New England area, which is understandable. They are very competitive as a fan base. I’ve always kind of glossed over it. 

“Just things like this, they just don’t have a place in the game. I thought we have moved past that a long time ago, but obviously with what is going on in the real world, things like this people are outraged and speaking up at an alarming rate. It’s unfortunate that I had to be involved in it.”

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