Morning Skate: Is the NHL becoming boring?


Here are all the links from around the hockey world and what I’m reading while acknowledging a job well done to my kids for scouring for Peanut Butter Cups while trick-or-treating last night.

-- Interesting thoughts from Canadian actor/writer/director Jay Baruchel, who is the force behind the Goon movies, on the NHL being “boring” right now. While I think the NHL is pretty exciting with the young stars and the scoring most definitely up, I also would like to see a little more of the old school rough stuff while also completely understanding that the concussion issue makes that's a complicated sell. 

-- Could PK Subban be the most important player in the NHL given his ability, his charisma and his ability to transcend hockey? He could very well be.

-- Brian Boyle’s wife, Lauren, is becoming a Hockey Fights Cancer Ambassador in light of her husband’s courageous battle with cancer.

-- Why does Alex Ovechkin’s one-timer continue to be impossible to stop after all these years? There are multiple reasons, but it boils down to Ovie being a truly lethal, accurate shooter from his spots on the ice.

-- I had no idea what “Shotgun Jake” was in Vancouver, but I took great job in watching FOH’s (Friends of Haggs) Jason Brough and Mike Halford shot-gunning beers in connection to this yesterday.

-- For something completely different: If you’ve missed the sights and sounds of the Red Sox victory parade, it’s all right here for you. You’ll want to check this out.

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