Boyd: Sox knew I smoked crack cocaine every day in '86


Dennis "Oil Can" Boyd claims he used crack cocaine every day of the Red Sox' pennant-winning 1986 season, including days he pitched, and that the team was aware of it.

"I would come into the ballpark and team physician Dr. Arthur Pappas, who was also one of the minority owners would call me in the back and say, 'How do you feel? Did you do some last night?'," Boyd said in an interview with ESPN's Buster Olney that appeared on the network Tuesday night. "And I was honest with him. 'Yes I did.'

"OK. So that was my drug test, you got me? Ain't nobody made me pee in no cup."

Boyd, who won 16 games that year in helping the Sox reach the World Series, says he went to a crack house near Shea Stadium after being told by manager John McNamara that, because of a rainout, he wouldn't pitch Game 7 against the Mets. He also says he smoked crack in the clubhouse in Oakland before pitching a game against the A's on May 11.

Boyd said he used cocaine throughout his first seasons in the big leagues, but was introduced to crack by a drug dealer during spring training in 1986.

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